Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stay tuned for your local weather...

Saturday Farmer's MarketWe had a surprise visit from Grandpa Randy tonight, and the boys loved every minute of it!
Screen door kisses...what could be better?

All I can say is, man it's HOT outside! You know it's hot when you walk in from outside, and you feel like you've stepped into some sort of walk-in freezer because of the drastic difference in temp. I don't think I received grades in high school, or college for that matter, as high as it is hot outside. I think I'm being a little overly dramatic (I know you have just laughed out loud a little to yourself in thinking me dramatic...Ok, you BETTER have thought that a joke! Ok, so I can be a little at times...) Wow, anyways, I was able to test-run our "Eagle Farmer's Market" this saturday, and other than the heat, I had a blast! It was so cool to be able to display my Daisy K stuff in an environment that seemed very friendly and fun. The really neat part was being able to meet people within my community that were fellow believers-and approached me because they could tell by my stuff that I too was a believer! I got so much gratification from that in feeling like maybe the Lord was still in this thing! Josh was mr. amazing husband, in that he woke up early with me, helped me set up my stuff, watched the boys the whole morning, and was super supportive of my efforts. I think that I must be the luckiest girl in the world sometimes when I think of what the Lord has blessed me with, in terms of family. Also, with passions/desires with this new business, that He's allowing me to move forward with into this crazy/scary world. And lastly an amazing church family that has embraced our two kiddos (and Josh and I for that matter) and have made us feel a part of the body. God calls us to be "...his ambassadors to the end of the earth..." and oftentimes I wonder if I'm really living at my full potential in being His Ambassador. In everything I do-that my life is so consumed by HIM that all that people see when they see me is the love radiated from Him. It's such a fine balance of things, and I'm finding that most days I'm not so good at being an ambassador of Christ. But, even though we all have alot of "off days" in this life, doesn't mean that we can't have glorious, wonderful, brilliant, shining days in which we give and live our lives to the best of our abilities. Because all that God has promised us is Today, and all He asks for us is to trust Him in how to live our "Today" with the fullness of love that only He can give - and that carries into everything that we do. So, all that said (whew!), I feel like this weekend was a great reminder to me of what gratification we can have when we accomplish that fine balance of His love, and our willingness to be used by Him - and to just sit back and soak up the sunshine!


Green Fab 4 said...

Thanks for sharing, Kelli! You are SO DEFINITELY NOT dramatic at all! (and I, as a fellow undramatic woman, should know!) ;) I'm so looking forward to sushi on Thursday! See you then!