Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm proud to introduce...

Baby Girl Kinney! Yay! She was born on Feb 20th at 10:25 am.
Hubs and I are still waiting for the bubble to burst on this whole
experience with Baby Girl, because it has been such a smooth
transition thus far - AND she is SUCH a good baby!

I think the Lord knew what we would need for all of the craziness
going on in our lives right now! As of two nights ago, we are
officially in our new rental and waiting to close on our house
any day! Talk about another miracle. Geez Louise! God has
been blowing our socks off by all that he has blessed us with
in the last few weeks that I get emotional every time I think of
His faithfulness. We have had such tremendous support from
our family and friends through this crazy busy time - and we
count it as such a blessing to have them helping us in such
a huge way.

So, without further ado, here are some pics of our precious
little sweetheart! The boys couldn't be prouder brothers,
and SUCH good helpers!