Saturday Farmer's MarketWe had a surprise visit from Grandpa Randy tonight, and the boys loved every minute of it!
Screen door kisses...what could be better?
All I can say is, man it's HOT outside! You know it's hot when you walk in from outside, and you feel like you've stepped into some sort of walk-in freezer because of the drastic difference in temp. I don't think I received grades in high school, or college for that matter, as high as it is hot outside. I think I'm being a little overly dramatic (I know you have just laughed out loud a little to yourself in thinking me dramatic...Ok, you BETTER have thought that a joke! Ok, so I can be a little at times...) Wow, anyways, I was able to test-run our "Eagle Farmer's Market" this saturday, and other than the heat, I had a blast! It was so cool to be able to display my Daisy K stuff in an environment that seemed very friendly and fun. The really neat part was being able to meet people within my community that were fellow believers-and approached me because they could tell by my stuff that I too was a believer! I got so much gratification from that in feeling like maybe the Lord was still in this thing! Josh was mr. amazing husband, in that he woke up early with me, helped me set up my stuff, watched the boys the whole morning, and was super supportive of my efforts. I think that I must be the luckiest girl in the world sometimes when I think of what the Lord has blessed me with, in terms of family. Also, with passions/desires with this new business, that He's allowing me to move forward with into this crazy/scary world. And lastly an amazing church family that has embraced our two kiddos (and Josh and I for that matter) and have made us feel a part of the body. God calls us to be "...his ambassadors to the end of the earth..." and oftentimes I wonder if I'm really living at my full potential in being His Ambassador. In everything I do-that my life is so consumed by HIM that all that people see when they see me is the love radiated from Him. It's such a fine balance of things, and I'm finding that most days I'm not so good at being an ambassador of Christ. But, even though we all have alot of "off days" in this life, doesn't mean that we can't have glorious, wonderful, brilliant, shining days in which we give and live our lives to the best of our abilities. Because all that God has promised us is Today, and all He asks for us is to trust Him in how to live our "Today" with the fullness of love that only He can give - and that carries into everything that we do. So, all that said (whew!), I feel like this weekend was a great reminder to me of what gratification we can have when we accomplish that fine balance of His love, and our willingness to be used by Him - and to just sit back and soak up the sunshine!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Stay tuned for your local weather...
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Fabulous Friday
Wow. What a difference a day can make! Beautiful sunshine, VBS is over, it's the weekend, and we have finally gotten out the "alligator pool!" So, in retrospect of my last post, I can honestly say the "manic-craziness" of yesterday has ceased, and all I really care about right now is to say- "Thanks God for giving me two beautiful boys, a wonderful husband who let's me stay home with our boys, a computer with wireless internet so that I can sit in my backyard as I write this post, and oh, thanks for whoever invented cheap plastic inflatable pools! Nothing like cheap entertainment for two wild and crazy guys! Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 4:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Just another manic Thursday...
Have you ever had one of those days, if not weeks where you feel like you're laughing one minute only to be close to tears the next? (just go with me on this!) Well, that is me in a nutshell this week. I am on week 3 now of not having my usual 4 hours on Tues morning where I drop the boys off with "grandma Sharon" from church. She decided she needed the summer off (I really can't blame her!) and so here I am-adjusting to non-stop mommy and 2 little boys all the time. So here are a few "highlights" of my week for you to laugh and cry at with me...
Tues-Have husband come home early so that I can go and get my hair cut and colored (happens every 5 months-so I was pretty excited). So I'm driving to the hair salon, and what do ya know, I'm early! I rare occurrence indeed, so I stop and get a peach ice tea for some added pampering. I get to the hair salon, sit down and start reading one of the new magazines next to me. I see Judy-my hair dresser, and say hi-she says she'll be right with me. Ok....I start to unwind, let the stress ooze out of my pores...Then I hear, "um, Kelli - I have you down for NEXT tues at 4?" Talk about all of that stress jumping back into my pores, with a little added humiliation, confusion, sadness, ect. I'm thinking "I have to wait one more week! I need a hair cut now!! Not to mention, I now have to tell Josh that he came home early for nothing, ect, ect, ect..." I was literally in tears when I got to my car like, "Is it friday yet?"
So that was just the beginning of what is ending up to be a chart-topper of crazy weeks at best.
Tues, Wed, and Fri I am helping out with the VBS at church, and that has actually been a great highlight for me, even though the boys are too little to be apart of it yet. You can just see the seeds being planted in these young precious hearts!
And last but not least, there is the new level of tantrums being thrown by my precious 3 yr old. Because of VBS this week, there was no regular Wed night activities, which are indeed a highlight of big boy's week. He loves to go to church, isn't that so cool? So when we had to stop by last night, to grab something, Big boy couldn't figure out why no one was there? So we got what we came for, and it was time to leave. Let's just say, I all but had to drag that little guy out the doors and into the car, while he screamed and suddenly became mr. stiff-leggs and arms!
I guess I should look on the bright side: at least he was wanting to stay at church, and not vice-versus! Praise God for capturing his young heart!
That's all from this frizzy-haired momma!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 7:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fun Times...
So, I found a few more Kauai pics that I wanted to share, and I had fun taking some "sippy-cup conversation" pictures of Big boy and peanut today. I still can't get over how big they are both getting. *sigh* Well, that's about it for me tonight! Tomorrow starts another day of whirlwind activity :)Our little "frequent fliers"
"sippy-cup conversations" caught on camera!
This picture just makes me relax! I wanted to share a Kauai sunset with all of you who have never been, or are going soon, or just like sipping pina coladas and watching the sunset with that special someone while listening to the waves, or Kenny G, or whatever floats your boat... Ok, sorry for the cheesiness! I couldn't resist...
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 9:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Back from paradise!
Hey All,
Well, we're officially back from vacation! We had a great time relaxing in the sun, swimming with the boys (yes they both swim now!) and hanging out with my fam. The boys did awesome on the plane ride there and back - praise the Lord!! I can't tell you how stressed I was on not knowing what our travel days were going to be like with those two unpredictable guys :) Well, on to what I know you're most interested in...The pictures! Hope you all are enjoying your summer! Our two rascals at the train station at one of the plantations there in Kauai.
husband, peanut, & big mak chillin on the beach
A picture of our favorite little "cove" on Poi Pu beach - it was perfect for the kids because of how shallow it was.
The boys playing at the cove
Our little "suderman" as Big boy would say...And because of this cute little swim outfit that had floatation devices inside, our little Big boy was definitely swimming on his own by the end of the trip! I got so choked up watching him, because he is still my little baby boy-but growing up so fast!
A glimpse at one of the nearby beaches...
The perfect cozy spot for falling asleep in the sun...
And as most of you know, no vacation had by the Kinneys would be complete without a food posting. This is a pic of a "puka dog" one of the islands specialties... It may not look like much to you, but to those who've had the opportunity to sink their teeth into one of these tasty treats, they know how yummy they are! Definition of a "puka dog": aka-hot dog yummy goodness; a long juicy hotdog placed in a hawaiian sweet bread bun filled with your choice of condiment like; coconut sauce, mango sauce, pineapple sauce, hawaiian hot mustard, ect.... I think I could go back for one of those any day of the week!
I will try to post some family pictures once I get some copies of them from my family! Mahalo!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 12:39 PM 2 comments