Friday, February 1, 2008

So much snow!

Hey everyone! I couldn't resist the opportunity to photograph 2 of my favorite boys...(the 3rd was still sleeping!) Anyways, it is so nice to be back home - although the snow is quite a change from the 96 degree weather in Argentina! But we're loving being a family unit once again. I honestly think that the last time it snowed this much was when I was in 3rd grade and "snow days" actually happened! Oh, I almost forgot, Big boy wanted to share with you what it looks like when sharks go swimming in snow....Enjoy!


Debbie Brown said...

Yeah, I can't believe we're missing out on all the fun... but I suppose if I can't be in a winter wonderland, a perpetual Fall/Spring isn't a bad place to be either!

Melissa said...

Hey Kelli!
Just checked out your new business site...I love it! You are amazingly creative! I'm sad we live so far apart, I'd love to put our minds together someday!