Monday, February 11, 2008


Tub Time!
Big boy couldn't get close enough to the toys hiding in Grandpa Jerry's toy chest - so why not just climb right in???
Peanut working on his cheese! He's getting pretty good at it :)
Hey All,

Sorry it's been awhile since the last post, but things have been a little crazy around here! Last week brought forth some unexpected surprises - one of which was a visit to the "eye doctor" for the boys, in which we found out that they are both farsighted and will both need glasses! I am really curious how I am going to manage keeping glasses on 2 toddlers! Anyways, in other news - as some of you already know - Cornerstone has had a pretty tough year due to the market being so low, and we have been having a rough few months of waiting for the Lord's direction and will through this season. We have appreciated your prayers, and will continue to appreciate them as we are led on this journey.....We will keep you updated!
Happy Tuesday :)


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. The boys are getting so big. We will continue praying for Cornerstone.