Monday, February 25, 2008

We're going to Vegas!

So-through all the craziness of the past few months, we have some exciting/scary/fun news to report: come April 26th, we're headed to Vegas for a tradeshow! That's right, we're shooting high-and hoping that something really big comes of this venture (talk about being scared out of my mind-yup, that's me!) So, long story even longer, through the course of some pretty God-sized events, this tradeshow called the ACRE las vegas tradeshow (American Craft Retailers Expo), presented itself-I applied-and Husband and I found out tonight that we've been accepted! I definitely did a little "jig" in our living room! So, I now have 2 months to prepare all of my stuff with the hopes of finding some apt buyers!


Melissa said...

Congrats friend...that is HUGE! You are going to do amazing!

Anonymous said...

This is great news. I will be paraying for you.