Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, due to a finicky bug of some sort, that I believe I contracted from the youngest member of our family - I have been a little down and out the past few days. I say all of that, because alot of fun stuff happened this past weekend that I wanted to share with you sooner.

My friend Julie Turner, who I am recently doing promotional stuff for, had her first ever "CD Release Concert." Talk about fun! She looked like a rockstar, too, which is always cool (to say that you're friends with the rockstar) because somehow you end up feeling that enthusiasm along with all of the hype of such an event. Ok, I was totally a groupie that night (along with Sarah!)

Ya, we were cool. Old, but cool nonetheless.

Oh, did I mention that I was the MC for the night? Oh, talk about a stretch! But Sarah was a good "mental coach" for my little moments on stage. I am definitely glad that is over, thought, something about the sound of my own voice on a microphone just doesn't do it for me. Not quite as cool as when you were younger and would record yourself singing into the tape recorder, only to play it back and have it sound like a completely different person..... Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!! I know I wasn't the only one who used to do that....

If you want to check out Julie and her new CD, go to her website at


Just for fun, I thought I'd share with you some random things said in our house recently:

Big Boy: (when asked to pray at dinner last night) says "Dear Jesus, thank you for today, thank you for the letter "T" and for how whale starts with "T" and for rainbows and for ice cream. Amen"

Peanut: His new question for everything is "whattis it?" "Mommmmm, whattis it?" Even if you just told him, he's still got to ask a few more times just to make sure you know what it is.

Big Boy: (again at dinner) starts sounding out "cc-oo-ff-ee" (we have a coffee picture on the wall in the dining room). So we start going with it, all too excited to think our 3 1/2 yr old is reading, what??? So Hubs starts pointing at a different coffee print on the wall that says "cafe". We hear "cc-aa-ff-ee". Then, "coffee!!!" Only in our house would everything spell out coffee.

And last but not least...............

Big Boy: "mommy, are we gonna watch American Idol?" Ya - we're all addicted, even if hubs won't admit it.........