Thursday, February 19, 2009

Most embarrassing moment of my life!

I had a normal morning - everything going along at the normal pace, but I was running a little late to drop the boys off at preschool and Grandma Sharon's....

Seriously, I was 2 BLOCKS from dropping Big Boy off at school - my last stop - when I saw it.

Too late.

Check my rearview - yup -


So where do I end up pulling over to greet my lovely police officer friend, so that he can write me up a ticket?

Right in front of Big Boy's preschool.

If that wasn't enough, I appeared to be one of the first mom's there (of course, I was the only one RACING to get there!). So I got the luxury of watching every mom come, drop their kids off and give me the "I feel so bad for you right now" look as they waved and drove by.

Every single one.

It's not even 10:00 am yet - gripes, what a day.


April said...

Seriously, Kelli - that's hilarious!