Saturday, September 20, 2008

For every season...

Hey ya'll (can't you hear my impeccable Idaho accent?)

Sorry it's been so long. I've been cheating you all out of really nothing too special - except today when we got a bunch of ladies together to celebrate Scott and Korri getting their kiddos! Nothing like some good food, good friends, and a really good reason to celebrate! And I do, in this season of joy for Korri and Scott, celebrate their new roles as "mom" and "dad". Love it.

Here are a few party shots:

In other news - I have in turn started a new season of trying to get better wellness wise, and after consulting with a dietition, I am on a trial "gluton-free" diet. I never knew that gluten could be such a bugger of a thing until I went off of it and realized what I was missing (in that gluton is in just about everything!) But, I must say, has made SUCH a difference in just a week. I am getting some lab work done this next week to tell me for sure, so that should be interesting.

I have figured, that if this is to become a new lifestyle for me - which in turn affects how I then cook for my family - I am really ok with that change. If it makes me feel better as a whole, affecting then how I can be functioning 100% better as mom, wife and friend - Um - yes, I'm ok with it.

"What is gluton," you ask? Well, I got super ambitious for this post and looked up the definition for you (mainly because I didn't exactly know myself!) Here it is: "Gluten is a special type of protein that is commonly found in rye, wheat, and barley. Therefore, it is found in most types of cereals and in many types of bread." All I can say is "BUMMER" cause I really like bread!
But we'll see - it's not over yet - not until test results come back....I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, hide the bread if I come over for dinner :)


Anonymous said...

Dan's aunt has Celiac Disease because of it she is on a gluten free diet. If some one in the family has Celiac Disease there is a big chance others in the family have it also. Dan's sister and mom have already had testing for it and they tested neg.
If you would like ideas or reciepes for gluten free meals I can talk to Dan's aunt and get some ideas for you. Also there's a book called Breaking the Vicious Cycle which is about The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (gluten free). Korri actually was telling me about this book when I mentioned that I had a family member who has Crohn's Disease. I guess the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is suposed to be good for helping Crohns Disease also.
Good Luck with your Gluten Free Diet.