Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A great day

Wow, do I have an exciting story for you! Today could be considered a "historic", maybe even "monumental" day in my life. An unexpected surprise developed just a little while ago when I was out-and-about, kid-free for the day (thanks mom!). I decided to pop my head into one of my friend's clothing consignment stores, called "Again". I have been doing some design work for her, so she graciously "padded" my account with some additional spending money - so I was thinkin it was time to go find something cute, because money doesn't seem to stick with me very long!

So, I'm browsing - taking my time, enjoying the solitude of no interruptions while was a good feeling! I checked out the $3 bargain rack, and found a few things starting from the back of the stack (where they keep the larger items :D) and moving my way forward...All the while thinking somewhat negative thoughts, like "should I even go there?" You know, when you pick something out to try on all the while knowing that it is a size too small - but it definitely looks like it will fit? I do this WAY too often! It was in that moment of irrational thinking that I saw it. A really cute pair of khakis from Abercrombie that were, "what?" Size 2?? I was seriously out of my mind. Not only is that on the completely opposite size of the spectrum of where I usually shop, size wise, but com' on! They just looked like a possibility, and I was feeling a bit spicy at the moment...

So, eventually I made it to the dressing room, and definitely went for the "size 2" first - because I figured I'd get it out of the way, and maybe everything else would seem even better in comparison. So, I slipped on the first pant leg - and normally my leg would get stuck about mid-thigh, but I found that I was able to pull the whole pant leg on.........Then the other pant leg was on, and before I could shout out a "sweet Jesus-thank you Lord" I was buttoning the front and definitely wearing a size 2!! What the...Those Abercrombie people are either messing with me, or maybe I got a factory reject, but I was pretty happy with the whole thing!

So I bought them.

$3 never looked so good! I think that may have made my whole year - and has made my 1/2 marathon training seem a little more worth it :D So, what blog post would be worth anything without a picture of my accomplishment? So here they are...

And after words, I went into another cute little boutique store called "Beau Monde" where I found a fabulous pair of soft soled shoes for my little peanut-and they were on sale for $10 - and the cutest little boots I've ever seen! Since his feet are rather round and chubby I have found it hard to find shoes that fit very good, but the soft-soled shoes have always been a success!

I also was checking out my good friend Melissa's blog-and totally felt a connection to a cause she is contributing to over in Ethiopa - so you can check that out here
The September Campaign Trailer - from charity: water on Vimeo.

And way to go Melis for posting about your passions, and raising awareness on such important issues in our world. She is one of my hero's when it comes to following one's passions (as she does so well with her creative ability), AND she's such a great friend from college that is one of those people we could go months w/o talking and be caught right back up. I love inspiring, fun-loving people!!

Ok - I'm off to go fold laundry! Peace out!!


Amanda said...

Sounds like a heavenly day.

Lindsy said...

Hey, Kelli! Glaze here. My little boy has thick and wide feet also and the only shoes that will fit him are Crocs. They are awesome! A little pricey but worth it.