Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

Oh how blessed I am! I would never have thought that at
this point in my life, I'd have 3 kiddos all before the age of
30! And I know that all moms think this, but I truly feel
like my kiddos are so awesome! I have found myself quite
a bit recently just staring - watching their little personalities
bud and bloom. Now I'm starting to sound cheesy....

Anyways, my family did a spectacular job of making me feel
loved, appreciated, and I am humbled at how wonderful it
is to be a mom.

Our pastor on Sunday talked about amazing women in the
Bible, and he brought up one of my favorites: Hannah. It's
always a good gut check for me when I'm feeling overwhelmed
as a mom, to re-read Hannah's story and be reminded of what
a Godly heart she had.

One of the things that truly amazes me about Hannah, is that
she believed in the power of prayer. Her womb was closed -
without any chance of being able to bear children, she prayed
fervently to the Lord to allow her to bear a child; so much so
that the priest thought she was drunk!

And not only would that be hard enough to endure, she had
an even worse thorn in her side that came in the form of her
husband's other wife - who was very fertile - and new that
Hannah could not have children. She would poke and prod
at Hannah's wishes to have children by flaunting her own
every right to, too. In my opinion.

And the Lord remembered Hannah's prayer, and opened her
womb, and gave her a son. Hannah gave birth to Samuel,
and gave him away to the Lord when he was still really little.
And he became one of the most favorable prophets in the land
and one of the most well known today.

I can't even imagine giving any of my kiddos away! Yet they are
entrusted to us for such a short time. But they are ultimately the
Lord's anyways!

I have had the thought lately that I am responsible for my kids
future. I am responsible to help shape/mold them (by the grace of God)
into little warriors - men & women of God that will one day lead their
generation by their Christ-like lives. Because we are in the midst of
a spiritual battle that rages everyday...

My prayer this Mother's Day is that like Hannah, I will believe
and use the power of prayer to build up my children... And that I will
never lose sight of the fact that God has blessed me immensely with
three little miracles.

Here's a few pics of some of my favorite peeps...