Friday, May 8, 2009

Long time no see!

Yes, we are still here! It has turned into that crazy time of year (no it's not Christmas at our house!) and so that means blogging takes a back seat for awhile until we can settle ourselves for a few moments.... whew! Ok, let me take another moment - alright. I'm ready to begin my debriefing of our recent venture.

Hubs and I were able to go on a much needed vacation this past week - on a cruise, in fact.

No - it was not to Mexico, although tropical weather does sound nice right now!

It was from San Diego up the coast to Vancouver. What cruise-literate people like to call a "transitioning cruise". Basically because the very popular and beautiful Alaskan cruises start very soon, and so our cruise ship was making its way up to that side of town.

My very gracious in-laws came and stayed with our two rambunctious kiddos -and we finally caught up on some sleep (while Jerry and Judy gave up some of theirs! Thanks again!!)

It's amazing what 6 days of uninterrupted time to yourself and your spouse can do for you. You start to talk like a normal adult, instead of using sentences or words like "I need to use the potty" or "pumpkin" or "let's go night-night." But our children still hold places in our hearts that make us long and ache for seeing their bubbly faces and personalities, and allow us to feel normal as parents - even if we use silly words to express ourselves.

Hubs and I were also able to catch up with my younger brother Shawn and my SIL Marie, and their new baby Emory.

So Cute!!

She is only 2 weeks old - and so we were thrilled to get to see them all so soon after Emory's birth.

So - without further ado, here are some pics of our trip! Happy Mother's Day!
Our fancy dress up night on the cruise
Our cruise ship is on the far right of the picture
Getting to hold baby Emory! She's so little!
Precious little family
Baby Emory