Thursday, April 2, 2009

Garden Diaries - Entry 1

Hanging out
Loading up the dirt
Daddy's big helper
Mini wheel borrow
Tonka truck style dumping
Our plot
Yes, it is that time of year again... The earth is starting to thaw, my tulips are starting to push up through the dirt, and it's time to start thinking about our garden. Some of you may have heard that last year's garden attempt didn't go so well. We have really only had one successful attempt at a garden, and that was pre-kids, so forever ago! And even with that attempt, it pretty much was successful because we planted WAY too many tomato plants (unbeknownst to us we didn't realize you only really need 1-2 plants, not 6-8!). So instead of trees, we had HUGE tomato plants. To make matters worse, once it was time to start harvesting those puppies for some yummy salsa, we waited ONE day too long to get them in doors. Yup, it froze, and we were stuck with 8 buckets of tomatoes that pretty much looked good on the outside and had absolutely NO flavor on the inside!

So, here we are.

5 years later.

We don't know if this is our "forever house" or not, but we've come to the conclusion that we can't wait forever for a garden! In our almost 7 yrs of marriage, we've moved 6 times - so taking the time to make and take care of a legit garden plot has not sounded too appealing to me.

But this is the year Betsy - Oh yeah - this is the year!

Hubs and I decided to go for it - and if this old house of ours sells in the meantime, we'll request that they save us a few squash and tomatoes for fun...

Our boys couldn't get enough of digging in the dirt we had to get to fill our "plot" and helping hubs and I wheel borrow back and forth until the job was done. I've been getting some pretty good gardening tips, so my goal is to share these with you and have you track my progress with me of how successful this year's garden will actually be!

*Tip of the day:
Starbucks offers FREE coffee grounds just for your garden! I picked mine up, packaged and sealed all nicely, and ready to mix in with the dirt! Hubs found out that your dirt should have at least 25% compost added for best results! So, go treat yourself to a fancy cup of coffee from the "Bucks" and help enhance your gardening experience at the same time!