Sunday, December 14, 2008

Michael Dubya Smith in Boise

It's Christmas, and what better way to get into the holiday spirit than with a 60 piece symphony orchestra led by Michael W Smith? And just to add a little frosting to the cake, let's have Melinda Doolittle come along and sing too - oh man, husband and I were feeling quite festive TONIGHT!! I bought these tickets back in Oct for Husband's birthday, and let's just say tonight has been a long time coming! So, yes - I know Michael (we are SO on a first name basis!) has been around for awhile, and he's a bit old-school, but he puts on a pretty good show. So if you are snickering on the other end of this line - maybe you should give old Michael another chance because he's still as good today at singing gospel than he was back when I had braces-parachute pants-and yes, headgear!

On to another completely different subject altogether...

Things have been a-changing for me lately. That has probably been a long time coming too. I feel like God has been preparing me for change for awhile-and I thought I knew what direction that was-until I lost his voice. Have you ever been there? Feeling like God is silent for a time is a scary place to be. I feel like for me, God was silent in order for me to see that I was trying to direct what I felt was the "right path" instead of letting Him lead - and show me the right way, along with the blessings that accompany it.

So, without going into a novel length description, I will say my plans have changed - and I feel like God is moving me in a very exciting direction with my greeting card business. Things are still evolving, so give me some time to explain as I am still basking in God's awesomeness and really still trying to comprehend why he loves me so much? I feel so undeserving of His love - that at times I fall flat on my face in complete and utter reverence to His grace. Why did He send his only son to die for me? Especially with how much I have sinned, fallen short, and even knowingly disobeyed all to look back and see that He was there the whole time.


I hope that God is moving in ways that make you stop, appreciate, and want to give back as He so humbly did for you thousands of years ago in sending his one and only baby son. Alleluia Christ has come! God bless you this holiday season.


Melissa said...

So, so excited to hear about it all! I'm proud of you Kel!

Lindsy said...

I'm totally jealous about the concert!