Hey ya'll (can't you hear my impeccable Idaho accent?)
Sorry it's been so long. I've been cheating you all out of really nothing too special - except today when we got a bunch of ladies together to celebrate Scott and Korri getting their kiddos! Nothing like some good food, good friends, and a really good reason to celebrate! And I do, in this season of joy for Korri and Scott, celebrate their new roles as "mom" and "dad". Love it.
Here are a few party shots:
In other news - I have in turn started a new season of trying to get better wellness wise, and after consulting with a dietition, I am on a trial "gluton-free" diet. I never knew that gluten could be such a bugger of a thing until I went off of it and realized what I was missing (in that gluton is in just about everything!) But, I must say, has made SUCH a difference in just a week. I am getting some lab work done this next week to tell me for sure, so that should be interesting.
I have figured, that if this is to become a new lifestyle for me - which in turn affects how I then cook for my family - I am really ok with that change. If it makes me feel better as a whole, affecting then how I can be functioning 100% better as mom, wife and friend - Um - yes, I'm ok with it.
"What is gluton," you ask? Well, I got super ambitious for this post and looked up the definition for you (mainly because I didn't exactly know myself!) Here it is: "Gluten is a special type of protein that is commonly found in rye, wheat, and barley. Therefore, it is found in most types of cereals and in many types of bread." All I can say is "BUMMER" cause I really like bread!
But we'll see - it's not over yet - not until test results come back....I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, hide the bread if I come over for dinner :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
For every season...
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 9:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A great day
Wow, do I have an exciting story for you! Today could be considered a "historic", maybe even "monumental" day in my life. An unexpected surprise developed just a little while ago when I was out-and-about, kid-free for the day (thanks mom!). I decided to pop my head into one of my friend's clothing consignment stores, called "Again". I have been doing some design work for her, so she graciously "padded" my account with some additional spending money - so I was thinkin it was time to go find something cute, because money doesn't seem to stick with me very long!
So, I'm browsing - taking my time, enjoying the solitude of no interruptions while shopping....it was a good feeling! I checked out the $3 bargain rack, and found a few things starting from the back of the stack (where they keep the larger items :D) and moving my way forward...All the while thinking somewhat negative thoughts, like "should I even go there?" You know, when you pick something out to try on all the while knowing that it is a size too small - but it definitely looks like it will fit? I do this WAY too often! It was in that moment of irrational thinking that I saw it. A really cute pair of khakis from Abercrombie that were, "what?" Size 2?? I was seriously out of my mind. Not only is that on the completely opposite size of the spectrum of where I usually shop, size wise, but com' on! They just looked like a possibility, and I was feeling a bit spicy at the moment...
So, eventually I made it to the dressing room, and definitely went for the "size 2" first - because I figured I'd get it out of the way, and maybe everything else would seem even better in comparison. So, I slipped on the first pant leg - and normally my leg would get stuck about mid-thigh, but I found that I was able to pull the whole pant leg on.........Then the other pant leg was on, and before I could shout out a "sweet Jesus-thank you Lord" I was buttoning the front and definitely wearing a size 2!! What the...Those Abercrombie people are either messing with me, or maybe I got a factory reject, but I was pretty happy with the whole thing!
So I bought them.
$3 never looked so good! I think that may have made my whole year - and has made my 1/2 marathon training seem a little more worth it :D So, what blog post would be worth anything without a picture of my accomplishment? So here they are...
And after words, I went into another cute little boutique store called "Beau Monde" where I found a fabulous pair of soft soled shoes for my little peanut-and they were on sale for $10 - and the cutest little boots I've ever seen! Since his feet are rather round and chubby I have found it hard to find shoes that fit very good, but the soft-soled shoes have always been a success!
I also was checking out my good friend Melissa's blog-and totally felt a connection to a cause she is contributing to over in Ethiopa - so you can check that out here
The September Campaign Trailer - www.borninseptember.org from charity: water on Vimeo.
And way to go Melis for posting about your passions, and raising awareness on such important issues in our world. She is one of my hero's when it comes to following one's passions (as she does so well with her creative ability), AND she's such a great friend from college that is one of those people we could go months w/o talking and be caught right back up. I love inspiring, fun-loving people!!
Ok - I'm off to go fold laundry! Peace out!!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The zoo, a party & art in the park...Oh my!
Wow, how's that for a title, eh? Came up with that one all by myself :) So, today could be the day of all days, in which we (the Kinney Clan) tried to cram as much stuff into one day as humanly possible! Here's a quick rundown...
8:30 - awoke, and headed out the door to the Original Pancake House for some belly-busting breakfast
9:30 - were wheeled out of the Original Pancake House because of how many pancakes we consumed, & then decided to head on over to the Boise Zoo...
10:15 - Get to the Zoo area, and can't figure out why there are so many people around? What is going on??? Is there some awesome, totally new exhibit at the zoo, causing mass hysteria to come from swarms of people in every direction??? Nope, it's just the same weekend as "Art in the park" in the park right next to the zoo - I have never seen so many people! (Talk about good people watching!!)
12:00 - After wandering aimlessly through "Art in the park" we decide that we can no longer quiet Big Boy's questions of "where are the lions?" Or "where are the penguins?" (thanks Happy Feet!) So we head on over to the zoo for some quality animal time.
1:15 - Tummies growling, we leave the zoo, where I truly believe the boys would have rather moved in with the monkeys than ever leave because it was so much fun...But, alas, we left - and headed back into the mass hysteria of people and smell of Pronto Pups and popcorn to find a sunny spot in front of the ampitheater to eat our sack lunches and listen to a little blue grass band...
2:00 - Head home, put the boys down for a quick nap...
4:30 - Head out, grumpy boys in tow, and leave to go to Makena's 1st birthday party!
7:45 - Leave Makena's birthday party with two cake faced little boys, and a whole day full of memories!
I'm going to bed!Just like "Happy Feet!"
Annual Zoo family portrait!
Fun Times!
Brotherly Love...
I love this one!
Birthday Girl!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Welcome Home Sid, Sophia, Scott & Korri!
Well, they arrived, all in one piece, after a full day of traveling! And I must say, that the kids are more beautiful than I could've ever expected them to be. And now, they are finally here - where their new parents, (surprisingly not looking too shabby after so much going on in one week!) I actually am a bit jealous of how Korri looked - she made it all look so easy, you know gaining two kiddos after one week of getting to know one another and then hopping on a plane 26 hrs in the air...And she looked absolutely radiant. So, my jealousy comes into play in that I am likening her experience to my 2 pregnancies and how I never in a million years looked that good after getting my kids! Let's just say "mommy-hood" looks pretty good on her :) Love ya Korri!
Scott on the otherhand was a prime example of why women have kids...He didn't quite have the "glow" going on, but he did look good wearing his new set of "daddy-pants" (you know, when the man is supposed to wear the pants...now he's a dad...) Ok, if you didn't get that, call me later and I'll pretend that we're still friends :)
So, after much awaited anticipation, I am proud to introduce to you all my new nephew and niece, Sid and Sophia. Welcome home you guys!In the elevator on the way up to meet the new fam!
New mommy Korri and precious Sophia
Another glance
Sid the "spark plug" Hogan...Let's just say it was hard to get a picture of him that wasn't blurry because of his amazing energy!
He is pretty cute, though, wouldn't ya say?
Sid and "daddy-pants"
Walking out to the car and into their new lives together!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 7:37 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
In the air & coming home!
So, today at 1:30-ish, Korri, Scott, and their two kids will be headed on the long ride home (about 26 hours!) getting in tomorrow around 5:00 pm. We are SO EXCITED!! So, hopefully more news and pictures to follow...
Ok, so I'm not one to do much with having music videos on our blog, but this one is pretty dang funny! Hopefully you'll get a good belly laugh with this one! All in the name of Jesus - (he's got a sense of humor too, ya know?)
Jesus is my friend by "Sonseed" from Peleg Top on Vimeo.
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
1st day of school!
Wow, I am still in shock that our Big boy had his first day of pre-school today! Everything just felt so weird - one little peanut to take care of, a much quieter house to come home to for 2 1/2 hrs, and having to worry about things like remembering to bring snacks... I feel really OLD today! Our little peanut was pretty distraught at having to wait another year before his pre-school days start, he wanted to go with big brother and learn a bunch of new things.
I must say, though, that Big boy's whole year of pre-school learning has really been a huge blessing for us. First off, we have one of the best teachers any parent could ask for teaching our little guy; Mrs. Blair. She is one of those women figures in your life that you want to be when you grow up! She has successfully raised 4 kids, all of them love the Lord, and have distinct futures grounded firm in faith. She just has such a neat family, and we love that our boys get to be involved with such wonderful adult mentor-figures!
Secondly, another reason why pre-school with Mrs. Blair has been such a blessing, is that she is one to trade services. SO, I was able to trade creating wedding invites, thank you's, and favors for Mrs. Blair's 2 kids that got married this summer for Big boy's whole year of pre-school! So, for those of you keeping up with our rocky financial year - you can totally understand how a new $120 a month payment being traded away-so that he goes essentially to school for free is HUGE!! Praise the Lord for trading one another's gifting. I am such a huge believer :)
Anyways, we just got back from a 4 day weekend in McCall - where you just feel cleaner because everything seems so clean and fresh up there! We were able to help out on my parent's cabin remodel by helping with their kitchen cabinets and tile (pics to come!). And we got in a little relaxin, a little hot-tubbin, and of course some huge helpings of ice cream from Ice-Cream Alley! Yum!!
Ethiopia Update*-Korri and Scott now have more and more time spent with their kids, and it sounds like things are going awesome! Keep praying, though, as tomorrow they will have their kids full time - and then especially for the 26 hr flight home on Thursday/Friday with Sid and Sophia. Yeah!! So exciting.
Well, I'm off to do something productive now that the boys are napping....not really sure where to start! Big boy is so excited to get to school!!
Big boy at the front door of Mrs. Blair's house ready for school! *Sob* He's so big!
Teacher Mrs. Blair helping Big boy put his school supplies away...
1st day of school pic-classic!!
Picture of my guys up at the cabin vegging in front of the tube :)
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 11:44 AM 1 comments