Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now Open - the Kinney Blog Cafe

Hey Ya'll,

So, some of you may have noticed a bit of changing around the Kinney Clan blog site lately, and well - we're done trying to stay out of the "public eye"... So, no more logging in to see what's new - whew! And, some name changes have happened, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure out who's who in this family :) Anyways, feel free to stop by anytime - leave a quick note - or sit back, drinking your $4 iced coffee (boy that sounds good right now!) and getting the scoop on our crazy/fun/memorable lives!

Here's a quick 5 second update:

-Husband is working like crazy, all the while trying out a new side business venture to keep us afloat...more to come on this!

-I'm still praying, trying to figure out which direction I'm supposed to be heading in my professional life, and so far nothing is getting more obvious out of my 9 different business ventures I have right now! Ok, maybe more like 2. But I'm feeling the need to "KISS"-aka, Keep It Simple Stupid (a term used in my design collage classes alot) and simplify things around this brain of mine before I lose a bolt and my whole head falls off :(

-The boys are growing like weeds, and Peanut has now begun the dreaded toddler "no to everything" stage in which his no's mean yes, but most of the time they mean NO, NO, NO!!! I'm not really sure why the Lord had to keep this stage of life in His planning of all creation - but I'm going with it, I don't really have a choice do I?

-And last but not least...I have decided to once again undergo self-inflicted punishment and start training for yet again another 1/2 marathon! My deadline is October 5th, the race is the City of Trees (same one I did last year) and yes, my brother is punishing me again by forcing me to run it with him...He likes to run really fast, and try to make me pass out before we even reach the first mile...anyways this is yet again another motivation to lose that darn weight that won't go away!

Happy Summer!