Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Snow, what?

Sprouting tulips covered in snow...kind of an oxymoron, don't you think?Not only do their glasses make them look smart, they actually love reading! Future presidential hopefuls, right here folks!
A glimpse at what I try to start my day with-my new Bible Study from Beth Moore-she's amazing!

That's right folks, we woke up this morning first to our sweet Big boy at 6:15 showing us his "choo-choo train" (nothing like waking up to a face 2 inches from yours!), and then we saw that we had gotten a couple of inches during the night. That's Idaho weather for ya! One day you're wearing flip-flops, ready to soak up the sun, and then your digging your winter clothes back out of the closet for the 10th time :) So, I'm going to change it up today-being that it's been awhile since I've blogged-and am going to give you a 10 second Kinney Clan Update so that you can get a quick glimpse at our last couple of weeks....

Ready, set, count!

10...As of last Thursday, Cornerstone has closed on the first 6 townhome lots on the development in Nampa by NNU that they have been sitting on for 8 months-and hope to close on the next 8 this coming week! Praise the Lord for His goodness!!

9....I received an order from an unexpected source (a lady who owns 3 online maternity/pregnancy stores) for my Daisy K Design business-and needless to say, right when I started to worry about how I was going to pay the bills that were starting to pile up (with start-up costs, ect) God provided a solution!

8...I have never seen my husband more happy to go to work each morning, and feel like he's actually "working!"

7...Peanut and I have been apparently sharing germs these past few weeks, because between his constant runny nose, and my on again, off again sore throat we are quite the pair! Yuck!!! I hate being sick!!

6...We had Peanut's 19 month doctor's appointment yesturday-and one of the biggest discoveries of our big guy is that he has grown 4 inches in the last 6 months! He's in the 99th percentile for height right now, and I'm beginning to wonder who the mystery tall person, and far-sighted person is in our family that has recently caused speculation for why our boys have vision problems, and Josh and I don't; and then the height thing seems a little peculiar.....Who's kid is this? Our's of course :) We'll claim him any day of the week.

5...Husband and I leave for Vegas for the tradeshow in 2 weeks, and 1 day!

4...I seriously have a 3 foot mound of clean clothes that has taken over my side of the room-and has still chosen to NOT disappear...Does anyone know any good housecleaning/upkeeping elves that I could adopt?

3...I think we have a future drummer in our midst-as of the last month, Big boy has turned over every pot and pan that we own and used it for practicing his obvious inherent gift....We're pretty sure we have a prodigy among us :)

2...I have recently joined a new Bible Study group with some girls from Eagle Naz, and we're studying Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" it's about freedom from spiritual strongholds-and it has definitely after 2 weeks rocked my world. It is showing me that I do have many strongholds waiting to be broken and released in order for me to experience the abundant-filled life in Christ!

1...Drum roll please....We continue to give God the glory and praise for each new day, and for providing for us in everything we face. We are thankful for our trials, in that we are being refined to look, act, and be more like Christ in everything that we do.

Thanks for tuning in! Have a great rest of the week.


Amanda said...

Thanks for sharing all that God is doing for you. It is encouraging to hear how He works in the lives of others. I enjoy keeping up with your family!

Green Fab 4 said...

Yay! Thanks for the update on your little fam. And it is SO encouraging to hear all that God is doing in your lives...there is a reason for everything and I believe that part of how He has been using you lately is through your honest and humble sharing. Thanks for being willing to share!