Wednesday, April 16, 2008

1 week to go...

I can totally relate to this picture right now! I feel like the penguin in the middle with all the little chick penguins running around causing the "adult" penguin to be stuck, unable to move-but in the middle none-the-less. In preparing for Vegas, the vast "unknown world" of retail, I have found that the past week has been a bit of a flurry of emotions. I am a little worried that I am going to live out in real life the dream we've all had, of showing up to an important event only wearing our underwear-while everyone else is decked out in tuxedos and prom dresses. I just hope that I don't show up to this tradeshow wearing only my underwear (hypothetically) while everyone else is decked out in their best (I'm hoping to pack more than just my underwear!). This process has been so humbling to me-and has made it quite a bit easier to chew when I think of it as being completely the Lord's doing and not my own. So, if I strike out-and come away from Vegas empty-handed, I'll know that this was not the direction for me. Wow-sorry to be getting so deep with this post! Today is going to be a spectacular day, though, I forgot to mention that my mom is watching the boys ALL DAY so that I can wrap stuff up with my projects (thanks mom!) Whew! Nothing like a little letting go in order to move forward, huh? Check back soon for more news from my "nest".


Amanda said...

Hope you got a treat for yourself on your "day off"! Fancy coffee or something yummy to eat! I am praying for you-

Green Fab 4 said...

I love your analogy :). You are going to be awesome in Vegas...and you are going for a reason, so even if it doesn't seem apparent as soon as you're done there, then I know one day it will be obvious to you. How fun just to see all of the other vendors and artists - what a schmorgasbord ;) for a creative mind like yours!! :) I can't wait to hear all about it. Thanks for sharing tonight, by the way...the mom thing...I'll be praying for you.

JEN said...

We're all rooting for you Kelli & can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I wish we could all go with you in your suitcase...we'd probably fit since you're packing only underwear... according to your post.