So, I have finally gotten myself together-and have assembled our Easter pics for your viewing pleasure! I had this grand plan of taking progressive photos of our whole day....Yeah, needless to say, my camera lasted all but 5 pics and then I was out of batteries! So most of the photo credits go to my dear old dad who took the awesome pics of the boys at our church event. We had a blast watching the boys hunt for eggs, play on the bouncy-houses, and drive in their little "trains". We hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! Husband making chocolate chip pancakes-a family favorite!
Maybe you could take a guess at what members of our family like dad's pancakes the most?
Easter egg hunting 101: Anything goes when it comes to getting Easter eggs! Let's just say spontaneous fighting usually occurs :)
Poor Peanut! At his first attempt to snag an Easter egg, a much older, faster little girl waited until he about had his chubby little fingers on the egg when she swooped in and snatched it up! I thought about talking to her mom....:)
Classic smiles! The boys loved this ride!
Big boy could've ridden this train all day long!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter Fun
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Weekend Project
I had the fun opportunity to go and paint in the nursery of one of my friend's houses (Tiffany Goehner-Lisa Kinnaman's sister). She is due in about 6 weeks and wanted her little girl's name painted on the wall behind where the crib will go. Besides Argentina, I have not had the opportunity to do anything like this-and I must say I loved it!! It has inspired me to paint in the boy's rooms, which I have hesitated doing because we move so much. But the way I figure it, life is too short-and your childhood seems even shorter. Well, that's about it! Thanks for checking out my weekend project!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 6:10 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tupperware Hats Now In!
So, Big boy thought that it would be super cool to start wearing a tupperware hat last night, but only if Peanut wore his.....We definitely chuckled a bit on that one. Well, I have a few updates since my last post. It turns out that Carmen's cancer has not gotten any bigger, but it did spread to one lymph node. So, she has to start a 3rd round of chemo because of one little lymph node. This will be her 3rd treatment in 14 months-needless to say, she has yet to have a break from the treatment, and has little energy as is. So, I boldly ask that you would continue praying for her and her precious family through this time. On another note, Cornerstone is slowly moving forward! But with the movement, we are still being stretched both spiritually, and financially-but all I can say still, is GOD IS GOOD. The verse in Hebrews 11:1 has been so very real to me these days, it says: "Now Faith is being sure of what we Hope for, and certain of what we do not See." I am moved just thinking about how much our God is a God of details. I hope that today you see His Hand move, orchestrating a life of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness and Self Control that only He can give! Live in Him Today!
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel conflicted in your spirit about something-not really sure what-but conflicted somehow? You're more easily irritated with your spouse than normal, and in your head you feel legitimacy in being easily irritated because obviously HE'S the one in the wrong-not you....Well, that was me today. Not really sure why, until later this evening what might be causing this easy irritation. Prayer. Plain and simple. I have not had a decent conversation with my Savior at all today, until we headed to the church for a prayer meeting tonight. It's one of those times where your fighting all the way to church, and then you get there just to put your "happy" face on? Am I speaking to anyone right now? So we're headed to church for this prayer meeting for Carmen Stuart, an amazing-steadfast woman of God who has been battling pancreatic cancer for a little over a year now. She is such a beacon of light to those around her through a time in her life that would just be unbearable. But she knows Jesus. She talks with Him, walks with Him, and calls Him her own. That is why she is so radiant. And as I sobbed in a room full of people crying out to God for her healing-the Lord began to whisper in my ear "all I want is to walk with you, talk with you, and have your life be consumed with My goodness." Talk about being filled up! When you think of this life in an eternal perspective-God moves! He is SO GOOD. And the best part is that He understands our weaknesses-and wants to replace them with His strength. So-as you seek Him this day, I ask that you would say a little prayer for Carmen Stuart, her husband Scott, and their 3 kids as she goes in for a cat scan on Friday of this week. Our prayer is that God will bring complete healing to her body-for good. If we have faith, "as small as a mustard seed" He can move mountains in our lives. God Bless you as you finish up this week, and as you seek Him.
Posted by The Kinney Clan at 7:40 PM 1 comments