Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thanksgiving on the coast

Hey all-sorry it's been awhile since my last post, I'm blaming on a nasty sinus infection that's had me down since Thanksgiving! So, here are some pics from our wonderful holiday trip to the coast of beautiful Newport, Oregon to visit Husband's folks Jerry and Judy in their lovely home. Husband's 2 aunts, grandma and cousins all made it over for Thanksgiving dinner so we had a great time!
The family day at the beach
Aunt and Uncle Hogan with our little rascal
The "boys" on their big pheasant hunting day!
Husband and I trying out our rusty piano skills
Our little munchkin looking for more to eat...We don't feed him much...:)


Anonymous said...

It is so fun to see pictures of all of you guys. I miss you. Hope we can get together some time soon.

Debbie Brown said...

Hey, you have an etsy shop!! Congrats and way to go! You'll have to tell me more about it... Glad you had a good thanksgiving, and loved seeing the photos.