Monday, November 12, 2007

Last week in a nutshell...

So, it has been a while since my last post-so to make up for it I am going to dazzle you with pictures and even some video footage! So, hang on to your hats-here's a glimpse into the lives of the Kinney Clan!
This is Big boy. He is full of energy, life, song, dance, and yes-Mischief!
This is Peanut. He is full of love rolls, laughter, "uh ohs" and yes-trouble!
This is Mona Lisa Fondue Resturant where Husband took me on my Birthday last Wed. night-can I just say my man knows how to romance! We had so much fun eating good food, talking uninterrupted, and enjoying eachother!
This is a glimpse of our sweet little Big boy singing and swaying to his "abc's" and other misc. songs! Enjoy!!