Monday, October 19, 2009


These pics were taken at night, thus the blurry edges!

I love fall.

Our beautiful maple tree out front has within a week's time, dumped all her beautiful orange and yellow leaves on the ground
for our boys to jump, roll and play in. *sigh*

I feel so completely, abundantly, full. To overflowing. Full.

I have so much, and yet I feel that within the last few weeks, God has revealed to me a glimpse of His mighty hand at work.

Within my family, within our finances, and within me spiritually.

I have mentioned before the journey our family has been on the last few years in previous posts. Through this journey, I have truly felt like one of those poor wandering Israelites, kicking around the dust and grumbling that I have nothing good to eat and that there seems to be no end in sight to the constant waiting. And wandering.

But amazing things happen when you crack open God's alive and powerful word! I have recently started (for the 2nd time) a Beth Moore devotional called "Living Beyond Yourself." Pretty fitting for a girl who's constant struggle has been to do just that - live beyond my comprehension, and trust that God has bigger plans for me than what I can see.

I started opening my heart to Jesus, and He started showing me where he was going to work. First was with Hubs. We haven't been on the same page financially - well, probably EVER. But through God's gentle nudging and softening of both of our hearts, He's shown us a way to compliment each other and understand each other so much better than we ever have. I'd have to say finances has been one of our major irritations since we've been married. So I guess 7 years isn't bad in resolving a few things??? Ahem... Anyways~

Through the last few weeks, I have felt an indescribable peace that could only come from above. A peace that calmed my heart and assured me that everything was going to work out - and be OK. But in a very real way - not a fleeting moment kind of thing.

It has been almost a year that our home has been on the market. And we have not gotten an offer on our home until just recently, and it was a very humble offer at that. But when I would normally get angry and defeated at our current circumstance, I felt safe - secure - sure of really nothing. Except that God was still in control.

This weekend, we received 2 new offers on our home. On the same day. Coincidence?

Not only did that jump our chances of actually selling our house (instead of giving it back to the bank) but we may actually see a glimmer of hope that our financial burden of a mortgage is soon to be over.

God is good. All the time! No matter what.

I will never forget His faithfulness to me, even when I am so quick to doubt.


Debbie Brown said...

Hooray! He IS faithful! May He continue to honor your surrendered spirit and hold you gently in His forever-loving hands...

Sarah said...

Yes and Hallelujah! That study is the one I did this late spring and summer as I was going through what I thought was my most hopeless and sad time of life. Where I had no direction or idea, I was so lost, and boy-howdy did I grumble. It has been the most intimate and glorious time with the Lord walking through that study with HIM and hearing what He wanted me to hear and know. The Lord is the best ever! Rejoicing with you in your blessings and your heart breaking open to him!
Praise Him!!!

joy said...

Hi Kelly!
I'm glad to hear about your house. It's so exciting to feel God moving in your life, isn't it?
I heard you are having a girl and I'm so excited for you! A girl after the two boys is a little taste of heaven. Your boys will melt over her! Good luck with the next few months!
Joy (Wende's friend)

sandy said...

What cute kids you have...