Thursday, January 8, 2009

Saying goodbye to say a new hello

Goodbye 2008! Hello brand-new, 2009.

Feels refreshing, doesn't it? To have a clean slate, wiped free from all the "yuck" of last year. I don't think I new how possible it was for God to move in my life - all in one year's time. A lot has changed for me, for our family, and for our country. But more than ever, I am rocked to my core at knowing that ultimately GOD is in control (thank goodness!). But change is hard for me. I'm realizing that more and more as life throws it's punches - I find myself wanting the old and familiar more than the new and unexpected

We're putting our house on the market today.

For most of you, you are probably not surprised! We've moved 6 times in our almost 7 years of marriage - the life of a builder, right? It changes when you through kids in the mix. You become attached. You become more dependent on stability - which in essence is that of "getting your roots deep" and staying awhile. I've had a hard time letting go of our home. You see, in my mind, it's ours to keep forever, right? We put a lot of work into this place - we DESERVE to stay... Can you sense the self-pity?

Yesterday something brilliant happened to me. I started talking to God, telling Him my insecurities about our finances, our mortgage, etc. And in this dialogue, I started understanding a deep and hidden truth I had put to the side quite a bit this last year. Support for my husband. You see, this last year, I've gotten really good at dragging my feet - putting my best pouty face on - and just being plain old selfish when it came to talking out our financial situation and the suggestion of selling our house. It was only until yesterday that I finally had dragged the ball-and-chain around enough that I was ready to LET GO.

The funny part is that it really wasn't that hard; the letting go part. It was actually quite easy to let go, and once I did it was instant release. I was headed to a meeting when God and I had this little "chat." While I was at the meeting, husband was at home with the kiddos, meeting with a realtor to go over our options but not to necessarily sign papers and list. When I called husband to tell him I was coming home, he said he thought we should sell the house.


No instant clutching at my heart, no feel of remorse at having handed that over to God just minutes before. Nothing. I felt complete peace. Because God truly is in control. He can choose to sell our home, or if by His amazing grace we end up getting to keep it - He gets all the glory!

So, as you look to your new, 2009 year I pray that you will choose to trust the one that created everything that we have, and everything that we enjoy. He wants to share the sweet stuff of life with you - all it takes is a little dialogue and openness.


Debbie Brown said...

Remember, you can't out-give God. You give up something to Him, and He'll overwhelm you with His response! Here's to 2009!